10 research outputs found

    Uticaj opterećenja različitim nivoima profesionalnog stresa na koncentraciju serumskih lipida službenika obezbeđenja

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between the level of professional stress and the concentration of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the serum of security employees. . The study included 415 security officers (exposed group) divided into four sub-groups and 150 administrative workers (control group). By applying a standardized questionnaire, the level of professional stress in their workplaces was calculated. To determine the serum lipid concentration in the all subjects, venous blood samples were taken in the morning after a twelve-hour food abstinence Security officers are exposed to a high level of professional stress, where the level of stress index depends on the type of the job they are engaged in. The highest values of the total index of professional stress, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides were registered with the employees who transport money and those carrying firearms. The lowest total index of professional stress, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides were registered with property security officers and persons who do not carry firearms. The correlation between the level of stress index at work, an increase in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol levels is statistically significant. We believe that there is a significant correlation between the level of the overall stress index at work and the risk of atherosclerosis in security officers.Cilj rada je analiza povezanosti nivoa profesionalnog stresa i koncentracija ukupnog holesterola, HDL holesterola, LDL holesterola i triglicerida u serumu službenika angažovanih na različitim vrstama obezbeđenja. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 415 službenika obezbeđenja (ispitivana grupa) podeljenih u četiri podgrupe i 150 administrativnih radnika (kontrolna grupa). Primenom standardizovanog upitnika, je izračunavan nivo profesionalnog stresa na njihovim radnim mestima. Radi određivanja koncentracije lipida u serumu od svih ispitanika je uziman uzorak venske krvi ujutru posle dvanaestočasovne apstinencije od hrane. Službenici obezbeđenja su izloženi visokom nivou profesionalnog stresa, pri čemu nivo indeksa stresa zavisi od vrste poslova na kojima su angažovani. Najviše vrednosti ukupnog indeksa profesionalnog stresa, ukupnog holesterola, LDL holesterola i triglicerida su registrovane kod službenika na obezbedjenju transporta novca sa nošenjem vatrenog oružja. Najniže vrednosti ukupnog indeksa profesionalnog stresa, ukupnog holesterola, LDL holesterola i triglicerida su registrovane kod službenika na obezbedjenju imovine i lica bez nošenja vatrenog oružja. Utvrđena je statistički značajna korelacija između nivoa indeksa stresa na poslu, povećanja vrednosti ukupnog holesterola, LDL holesterola, triglicerida i smanjenja nivoa HDL holesterola. Smatramo da postoji značajna povezanost između nivoa ukupnog indeksa stresa na poslu i rizika od ateroskleroze kod službenika obezbeđenja

    The influence of professional stress in permanent working capability of workers with arterial hypertension and its complications

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    Arterial hypertension is widespread in the population of workers. Stress at work has a significant impact on the emergence of many psychosomatic diseases including arterial hypertension. The aim of this research is to show the influence of professional stress on the occurrence of arterial hypertension, its complications and the permanent working ability of exposed workers in construction. The survey covered 1900 construction workers. The standardized questionnaire has assessed the level of stress and professional stressors in their workplaces. The survey group consisted of 1350 workers whose level of total professional stress index (OSI) was over 60, and a control group of 550 workers with an OSI level below 60. The prevalence of arterial hypertension and its complications is statistically significantly more frequent in the examined than in the control group. In the investigated group, a statistically significant number of workers were registered, who, due to their complete loss of working ability, were sent to the disability commission. With an increase in OSI values above 71, the number of workers with complete loss of working capacity is significantly increased in relation to the number of workers who are capable of working. Professional stress is a significant factor that affects the occurrence of arterial hypertension, its complications on vital organs, which lead to a complete permanent loss of working ability of exposed workers in construction

    Uticaj profesionalnog stresa na privremenu nesposobnost za rad izloženih radnika

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    Occupational stress presents a health risk and affects working ability, leaving also a significant economic impact. Our aim was to examine the effect of the level of professional stress on temporary and permanent working disability in exposed workers. The study included 3527 workers of various professions, who in the period 2011-2016 on the territory of South East Serbia did the same job for at least last five years, and who were referred by their chosen doctor to the Disability Commission for the assessment of their permanent making disability due to a work injury or illness. The number of lost working days in relation to the level of occupational stress at their workplaces (the Occupational Stress Index- score) was analyzed. There was an increase in the average number of lost working days in the subgroups of workers with higher levels of occupational stress. Additionally, the number of workers who were entitled to a disability pension increased in the subgroups of workers with a higher level of stress at work. The research implies that stress at the workplace significantly affects the temporary and permanent working ability of the exposed workers.Stres na poslu predstavlja zdravstveni rizik koji utiče na radnu sposobnost i ima značajne ekonomske posledice. Cilj rada bio je da ispita uticaj nivoa stresa na poslu na privremenu i trajnu radnu nesposobnost izloženih radnika. U studiju je uključeno 3527 radnika različitih profesija, koji su u periodu 2011-2016. na području jugoistočne Srbije radili isti posao poslednjih pet godina i bili upućeni Invalidskoj komisiji od strane svojih izabranih doktora radi ocene trajne radne sposobnosti, zbog bolesti ili povrede. Analiziran je broj izgubljenih radnih dana u korelaciji sa stepenom stresa na njihovom poslu (Indeks profesionalnog stresa). Zapaža se povećanje srednje vrednosti broja izgubljenih radnih dana u podgrupama radnika sa većim nivoom stresa na poslu. Broj radnika koji je proglašen trajno nesposobnim za posao se povećava u podgrupama radnika sa većim nivoom stresa na poslu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da stres na poslu značajno utiče na privremenu i trajnu radnu sposobnost izloženih radnika

    Nutritivni i socioekonomski status slučajnog uzorka ispitanika koji žive u Jugoistočnoj Srbiji - u smeru strategija personalizovane ishrane

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    South-Eastern Serbia is with traditionally acknowledged intake of spicy and energy-dense food. For the purposes of this study we presented official socio-economic determinants for the three counties within South-Eastern Serbia: jablanički, niški and pirotski. The objective of this study was to assess nutritional status of randomly selected 40 subjects (11-74 years) residing in South Eastern Serbia within the counties. By means of validated food and dietary data methodology, we interviewed subjects and analyzed in a cross-sectional design. Our data indicate low-carbohydrate-high-fat like dietary pattern within the subjects, irrespective of age and gender in the region. Demonstrated likely improper nutritional status of sodium, calcium, vitamins A, C, D and B9 (folate) warrants public health initiatives towards optimization of the intake within the region. Our results indicate inadequate micronutrient intake within the adolescent group. Overall our results underline the necessity of raising education and awareness of healthy nutrition benefits and sustainable food choices within South Eastern Serbia and foster the necessity of implementation of an individualized approach in nutrition healthcare in this middle-income country.U jugoistočnoj Srbiji se tradicionalno konzumira začinjena i energetski bogata i jaka hrana. Za potrebe ove studije, prikazali smo zvanične socioekonomske pokazatelje kroz tri okruga jugoistočne Srbije: jablanički, niški i pirotski. Cilj ove studije bio je evaluacija nutritivnog statusa slučajnog uzorka 40 ispitanika (11-74 godine) koji žive unutar pomenuta tri regiona jugoistočne Srbije. Korišćenjem validiranih metodoloških alata o prikupljanju podataka o kvalitetu ishrane i učestalosti konzumiranja namirnica, intervjuisali smo ispitanike i analizirali metodama studije preseka. Naši podaci ukazuju na dijetarni obrazac u regionu koji teži nižem unosu ugljenih hidrata i povišenom unosu masti, nezavisno od pola i starosne dobi. U našem radu ukazano je i na mogući neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata u regionu, uključujući natrijum, kalcijum, vitamine A, C, D i B9 (folat), podatak koji zahteva inicijative javnog zdravlja u regionu. Naši podaci ukazuju da je neadekvatan unos mikronutrijenata prvenstveno prisutan u grupi adolescenata. Uopšte uzev, naši rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost podsticanja obrazovanja i podizanja svesti o značaju zdrave, adekvatne i balansirane ishrane kao i održivih izbora hrane i grupa hrane u okviru jugoistočne Srbije. Naši podaci ističu neophodnost implementacije individualizovanog pristupa u nutritivnim i dijetarnim strategijama i dijetnim planovima zemlje u razvoju kakva je Srbija

    Evaluation of Dietary Intake and Anthropometric Status in 1–9-Year-Old Children Living in Serbia: National Food Consumption Survey according to the EU Menu Methodology

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    The Serbian Food Consumption Survey among 1–9-year-old-children was conceptualized and conducted in compliance with the principles, established protocols, and guidelines of the EU Menu project between 2017 and 2021. Valid data were collected for 576 individuals (290 1–3-year-old toddlers and 276 3–9-year-old children). Regardless of age and gender category, the majority (68.80%) of children had normal weights according to the Body Mass Index-for-age classification system. The median daily energy intake was 1406.71 kcal with no differences between the settlement types. The overall median contributions of carbohydrates, protein, and fat to the total energy intake were 47.54%, 14.06%, and 37.88%, respectively. The proportions of the macronutrient intake deviated from the dietary reference values with compliance to the recommendations being particularly poor for fat and fiber. The consumption of energy-dense food groups such as meat and meat products, fat and oil, sugar, and confections was more pronounced among older children. The survey results provide a valuable insight into the nutritional status and dietary habits of toddlers and children 1–9 years old living in Serbia. They may serve as an evidence platform for public health programs, a valuable asset for decision-makers, and a reliable reference to guide nutritional policies, diet monitoring, and interventions targeting this population group in the future

    The Intake of Phosphorus and Nitrites through Meat Products: A Health Risk Assessment of Children Aged 1 to 9 Years Old in Serbia

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    This study provides the data on dietary exposure of Serbian children to nitrites and phosphorus from meat products by combining individual consumption data with available analytical data of meat products. A total of 2603 and 1900 commercially available meat products were categorized into seven groups and analysed for nitrite and phosphorous content. The highest mean levels of nitrite content, expressed as NaNO2, were found in finely minced cooked sausages (40.25 ± 20.37 mg/kg), followed by canned meat (34.95 ± 22.12 mg/kg) and coarsely minced cooked sausages (32.85 ± 23.25 mg/kg). The EDI (estimated daily intake) of nitrites from meat products, calculated from a National Food Consumption Survey in 576 children aged 1–9 years, indicated that the Serbian children population exceeded the nitrite ADI (acceptable daily intake) proposed by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in 6.4% of children, with a higher proportion in 1–3-year-old participants. The mean phosphorus concentration varied from 2.71 ± 1.05 g/kg to 6.12 ± 1.33 g/kg in liver sausage and pate and smoked meat products, respectively. The EDI of phosphorus from meat products was far below the ADI proposed by EFSA, indicating that the use of phosphorus additives in Serbian meat products is generally in line with legislation

    The influence of specific aspects of occupational stress on security guards' health and work ability: detailed extension of a previous study

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    In our earlier study of security guards, we showed that higher occupational stress was associated with health impairments (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases) and work disability. The aim of this study was to further explore the association of specific occupational stressors with health impairments and work disability parameters in 399 Serbian male security guards (aged 25-65 years). Ridge linear regression analysis revealed that, after controlling for age, body mass index, and smoking status, professional stressors including high demands, strictness, conflict/uncertainty, threat avoidance and underload were significant positive predictors of fasting glucose, triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate, Framingham cardiovascular risk score, and temporary work disability. The security profession is in expansion worldwide, and more studies are needed to establish precise health risk predictors, since such data are generally lacking

    Vitamin D Status and Its Correlation With Anthropometric and Biochemical Indicators of Cardiometabolic Risk in Serbian Underground Coal Miners in 2016

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    The status of vitamin D in underground working coal miners and its association with their cardiometabolic health is rarely studied. This study aimed to examine vitamin D (VitD) status in Serbian underground coal miners and to correlate it with anthropometric and laboratory indicators of cardiometabolic risk. Nutritional data (food frequency questionnaire, FFQ, and two times repeated 24 h recall), anthropometric data (including segmental analysis by bio-impedance analyzer TANITA BC-545N), arterial tension, and biochemical and hematological data of 103 coal miners (aged 22–63 years) were correlated with their late summer (early September) serum 25 (OH)D levels (measured by HPLC). 68.9% of the studied coal miners were overweight/obese, and 48.5% had metabolic syndrome. Their mean VitD nutritional intakes were low: 5.3 ± 3.8 μg/day (FFQ) and 4.9 ± 8 μg/day (24 h recalls), but their mean serum 25 (OH)D levels were surprisingly high (143.7 ± 41.4 nmol/L). Only 2.9% of the coal miners had 25(OH)D levels lower than 75 nmol/L (indicating an insufficient/deficient status), while 63.2% had values above 125 nmol/L (upper optimal limit), and even 10.7% had values above 200 nmol/L. There were no statistical differences in 25 (OH)D levels in the coal miners with or without metabolic syndrome (or overweight/obesity). Interestingly, 25(OH)D levels had significant positive correlations with body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), fat mass percentage (FM%), limbs FM%, serum triglycerides, GGT, AST, ALT, and ALT/AST ratio, and had significant negative correlations with serum HDL-cholesterol and age. All these correlations were lost after corrections for age, FM, FM%, and legs FM%. In Serbian coal miners, high levels of early September VitD levels were observed, indicating sufficient non-working-hour sun exposure during the summer period. Furthermore, the unexpected positive correlations of VitD levels with anthropometric and biochemical parameters indicative of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and fatty liver disease were found. More research is needed on the VitD status of coal miners (particularly in the winter period) and its relationship with their cardiometabolic status

    Work-Related Health Disorders and Work Ability among Computer-Operating Workers

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    Computers are key tools in every aspect of work and learning, from managerial activities to document preparation and electronic communication. The inappropriate use of computers can contribute to the health damage of the exposed operators. The aim of this article is to examine the prevalence of health disorders and to estimate the work ability index among computer operating workers. A total of 353 workers working with computers, aged 25-50 years, from five companies in the city of Nit, were divided into two groups according to the length of computer work during the day. The group 1 consisted of 182 computer-operating workers who worked longer than four hours per day with computer. The group 2 consisted of 171 computer-operating workers who worked less than four hours per day. The disorders of visual and musculoskeletal system, general health symptoms (headaches, fatigue, lack of concentration, and sensitivity to the light), and addiction to computers were statistically significantly more common in the group 1, than in the group 2 of the computer-operating workers (p lt 0,0001). Inappropriate ergonomic conditions, longer exposure time, addiction to computers, and work related visual and musculoskeletal disorders significantly reduced the work ability of computeroperating workers. The factors associated with a degree of working ability reduction were: currentemployment length, every day computer usage, inappropriate ergonomics conditions, and the presence of health disorders. An important finding of this study is that those who had the work-related health symptoms and disorders and reduced working ability were those who used computers for more than four hours per day

    Aronia juice consumption prior to half-marathon race can acutely affect platelet activation in recreational runners

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    Long-distance running, especially in non-professional runners, can increase cardiac arrest risk by enhancing platelet activation and aggregation. Polyphenols can exert cardioprotective effects by positively influencing platelet function. This study aimed to examine the acute effects of polyphenol-rich aronia juice consumption, before simulation of a half-marathon race, on platelet activation and aggregation with leukocytes in recreational runners. In this acute crossover study,10 healthy male runners (age 30.8 +/- 2.3 years) consumed breakfast with 200 mL, of aronia juice or 200 mL of placebo. They warmed-up and ran a simulated half-marathon race (21.1 km). Blood was collected at baseline, and at 15 min, 1 h, and 24 h after the run. All variables were analyzed with 4 (time) x 2 (group)ANOVA with repeated measures on both factors. Results revealed a significant effect of group on platelet activation parameters: P-selectin and CPIIb-IIIa expressions significantly decreased in the aronia group compared with the placebo group (F-[1.(9]) = 10.282, p = 0.011 and F-[1.9] = 7.860, p = 0.021, respectively). The effect of rime was significant on both platelet aggregation markers: platelet-monocyte and platelet-neutrophil aggregates were significantly lower after the race (F-[(3).7] = 4.227, p = 0.014 and F-[3.7] = 70.065, p = 0.000, respectively), with changes more pronounced in the later. All effects remained when platelets were exposed to an agonist. These results suggest that aronia consumption could counteract the half-marathon race-induced changes in platelet function. Novelty Aronia juice consumption significantly decreased the expression of platelet activation markers but did not affect platelet aggregation. The race itself did significantly reduce platelet-neutrophil aggregation. Aronia juice may serve as a supplement beverage for recreational runners to alleviate enhanced platelet reactivity caused by prolonged running.Peer-reviewed manuscript: [http://rimi.imi.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1127